Muslim Voice

The Great Muslim Nation is a leading part of the entire humanity. We strive for human values, equal justice, and fairness in standards of living across the globe. In fact the Muslim World contains a clear abundance of rich natural resources. The nation shares it generously with everyone; though the rest of the world generally does not reciprocate. The world order and the economic system is by design such that it promotes and sustains this lack of reciprocation. 

This situation needs to change, and it needs to change soon. That is because, over the past couple of centuries, the great Muslim nation has suffered enormous injustice, and the situation continues, albeit in somewhat improved state.

The Muslim Voice is for The Great Muslim Nation to overcome this injustice. In other words, it is a movement for the Muslim Ummah to prosper locally and globally.

The Muslim Voice Project consists of two major initiatives.

  1. Muslim Galaxy: This part of the program consists of the proactive actions that the Nation needs to accomplish. It also consists of an enabling technology platform which is already fully functional. Both these components are described in its various subpages of the Muslim Galaxy site. The focus currently is on the Muslim Community of North America. An example action is the monthly News Journal that the project has issued since August 2018 to more than a thousand mosques in USA. The mosques have a great role to play in this project.
  2. MV Publishers: This part of the program is a Publishing House. It currently focuses on the USA part of The Great Muslim Nation. It encourages Muslims to write their story and history as well as advocate for equal rights, values and justice for themselves and for everybody else. If they do not tell their case themselves, others will tell it on their behalf: for it has to be told in the larger socioeconomic and geopolitical dynamic situations. The iCommunity technology platform supports this objective.

Please consult the links and the subpages for details.