Natural Scientists

of The Islamic Era

by Abdur Rahim Choudhary

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Natural Scientists

“Scientist of the Islamic Era” is a book series encompassing eight volumes. The present book is volume 1 titled “Natural Scientists” that covers mathematics, astronomy, cryptoanalysis, chemistry, cartography, physics, and engineering based on these disciplines.

In this first edition, 68 natural scientists are included. Most of them are at least equivalent in their research excellence to the works of the modern-day scientists whose research is pioneering enough for a Nobel Prize. Many are above that stature because they were polymaths, commanding that level of excellence in multiple areas.

Many natural scientists in this book are mathematicians, astronomers, physicians and chemists at the same time, and also excelled in jurisprudence, hadith, philology, and poetry. They commanded exceptional breadth in their learning and deepest insights in their specializations. They greatly expanded the frontiers of all fields of knowledge.

These books are expected to provide further impetus to a second Renaissance, this time in the Muslim world.