iCommunity: Technology Platform

The technology platform is part of a set of concrete measures. These measures are collectively referred to as the iCommunity Technology Platform.  These measures are designed and developed by the community for the purpose of reaching out to the community.

It is a platform that has all the tools needed to enable the community to express themselves in order to have a voice in the main stream USA. It has two main components: the technology and the technological services.

The Technology

The platform embodies the following technologies.

  1. Computer hardware and software systems with C2 Security.
  2. Web server technology adapted for the community.
  3. Secure inter node and intra node communications.
  4. Content management system.
  5. Secure file transfer server.
  6. Database management server for the content management system.
  7. Hypertext preprocessor (PHP) scripting.
  8. Python language with the beautifulsoup.
  9. Tools for the community to develop their own blogs and websites.
  10. File transfer protocol for the community members to upload their contents to our servers.
  11. email server and SMTP services.
  12. Mailmerge technology for personalized mailing.
  13. Sending bulk email campaigns in hundreds of thousands.

These technologies for the platform are already built. They are now operational; ready in the service of the community. More services will be added and the technology will be expanded in capabilities, performance, security, and scope.

Technology Services

iCommunity is a platform by the community and for the community. It is community’s platform. Technologically speaking, it is rich in functionality and features that are enabled using the leading edge technology that we designed into it. And we are not stingy when it comes to the resources that we place at your disposal. We have also unlocked most restrictions that are common elsewhere, so that you can explore all the possibilities.

That is because we are not for profit. We do not lure you with free teasers with very restrictive scope so that you will need to upgrade to the premier or business levels to do anything meaningful. What we provide you is already premium and business class. It is community’s platform; it is for the community, and it is by the community.

The iCommunity Technological Services are offered for the community members to reach out to the community at personal, business, and organizational levels. We emphasize to promote intra community networking, exploring synergistic connections, business cooperation, organizational outreach, and strength and prosperity that arises from strong community foundations and bonding.

Currently, following services are available on the iCommunity technology platform. You are invited to use them as befits.

First, we have web technology. It allows us to provide you with websites. We can even give this service away because we host the websites ourselves. We will provide you with generous amount of storage space, and speedy Internet connectivity to this storage.

You can use your website to introduce yourself to the Muslim Community in USA, or to the entire world. If you are a business or a service provider, you can market your products and services using this website. For example, the mosques and institutions can host their websites on the iCommunity platform to reach out to the community. We offer the service to the mosques and organizations free of charge.

We hope to achieve a strong network of mosques interacting among themselves and gradually expanding their scope nationally. Additionally, we have databases of mosques and organizations. This enables us to send out email campaigns on the national level.

All this is offered free of charge.

Second, we have content management technology which allows us to provide you with your own Blogging space in the Internet Cloud. You can share your ideas, services, and activities using your own Blog. You can even market your business capabilities and services on this Blog.

Mosques and institutions can use their Blogs for community outreach. We provide the services free of charge to the mosques and the community institutes.

Third, we have our own email servers. We use a reputed SMTP server in order to send out bulk emails. That means two things. First, we can provide the community members opportunity to run their own email server. Having your own email server on iCommunity platform is a very privileged capability. It is far bigger than just having your own email addresses. Second, we can send bulk emails. This means that we can send hundreds of thousands emails. These emails can even be customized. For example, we can send email announcements, brochures, or newsletters to all the Mosques in USA, or all the Muslim Businesses in USA, or all the Muslim Organizations in USA.

Fourth, we have document management capability. This allows us to electronically publish materials from the members of the community. This material can be a book that you have written or want to write. It could also be your recent article, your collected essays, collection of your poems, your novel, your biography, your analysis of social and political events,  or whatever is dear to your heart. We will publish your material electronically and make it globally available on our iCommunity platform.

Fifth, we intend to establish The Muslim Planet Publishing House for hard copy book publishing. Members of the community can choose to publish their works in hard binding or paperback formats.

These services are offered to the community members free or at cost.

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